Membership Role Policy and Multi-Organizational Policy
Everyone is welcome at Icarus Interstellar Incorporated and we look forward to many fun and exciting adventures. However, for an organization to be successful, there must be an appropriate membership policy governing membership roles.

To assist our organization Leaders and Officers with planning and operations, and also allowing for a better understanding of org dynamics, we have implemented multi-tier membership roles and additional policies.
Our Membership Policies are designed on the premise that an organization must have members from all levels of commitment to be successful, and therefore it allows flexibility.
Current Organization Membership Roles:
Leadership Roles
- Leader – This is the top tier role that has been tasked with the responsibility to oversee the membership and run the organization by planning, developing, and implementing organization goals. They insure that organization goals and visions align with the organization’s founding principles. They are responsible for marketing, recruitment, and expansion planning.
- Officer – The officer roles are subordinate to the Leader roles and serve as “Assistant Leaders”. They usually work with a specific Leader to assist with general responsibilities of that Leader or they may focus on or oversee a specific organization function. An officer is selected by a Leader review and vote.
Member Roles
- Core Member – Core Members are the organization’s very active and highly dedicated members that can be counted on to go above and beyond when it comes to participation. They are an integral part of organization’s operations and planning. Core Members have full access to our Discord server. To reach and maintain the Core Member role, a Member must maintain the following requirements:
- Select Icarus Interstellar Incorporated as their primary org (selected on the RSI site)
- Join org events at a moderate level of participation or above (1-2 times a week)
- Member – Members are the organization’s more casual players that choose to play Star Citizen on a casual basis. They may not have a lot of time to play due to busy real life schedules or have other commitments. Members have full access to our Discord server. To reach and maintain the Member role, a Recruit must maintain the following requirements:
- Select Icarus Interstellar Incorporated as their primary org (selected on the RSI site)
- Join org events at a casual level of participation (1-2 times a month)
- Recruit – New players that are interested in becoming full members (Member role) and that have not selected or been assigned to the Affiliate role or Guest role, will enter the organization as a Recruit. Members have full access to our Discord server. To reach and maintain the Member role, a Recruit must maintain the following requirements for a time period decided by the Leaders:
- Select Icarus Interstellar Incorporated as their primary org (selected on the RSI site)
- Join org events at a casual level of participation for an extended time (1-2 times a month)
- Reservist – The Reservist role is a catchall role for Recruits, Members, or Core Members that have become inactive without communication or have requested a leave of absence. This role is a temporary role to help understand membership dynamics and to aid with event planning. Once the Reservist becomes active again, they will return to Recruit (if their last role was Recruit) or Member (if their last role was Member or Core Member). Returning to a Core Member role will require a commitment to reach that level again. Reservists have full access to our Discord server.
- If an org member of any role changes Icarus Interstellar Incorporated to an Affiliate Organization on the RSI site, they will automatically be switched to the Affiliate role for our organization.
- If a Recruit or Member is unable to participate at least one time a month or is very inconsistent with stretches of inactivity, they will be moved to the Reservist role until such time they are able to increase their participation.
- Leaders will review membership periodically and make changes as necessary using a members recent participation.
- If an org member of any role at any time believes their role should be changed, they may request to be reviewed by the Leaders.
Affiliate and Other Roles
- Affiliate – Affiliates are players that are acquainted with our org but hold no particular allegiance to us. They do not have Icarus Interstellar Incorporated listed as their primary org. They may be casual players from other orgs who join us occasionally or ambassadors from other orgs networking with us. Affiliates have access to all Discord channels except for sensitive member-only channels.
- Guest – Guests are those that have some connection with the org and are wanting to stay in touch. They may be unsure if they want to play Star Citizen, be friends wanting to follow us, or even someone in the process of deciding their level of commitment to the org. Guests have access to all Discord channels except for sensitive member-only channels.
- Interim Player – The Interim Player role is assigned to adhoc players that join us for a specific mission or playtime prior to any onboarding process. There is no expectation for them to join the org. However, they are welcomed to follow the onboarding process to do so. Interim Players only have access to the specific onboarding channels plus our normal chat channels we use for in-game communication. This role is expected to be temporary and the player should decide to either leave the Discord server or continue with the onboarding process.
Member Participation / Activity Level:
For an organization to become successful and continue to grow, there must be a basic expectation of participation / activity level of its members within reason. With that said, there also must be a balance of that expectation versus real life obligations. The Membership Roles listed above is one way to help the leadership team understand the dynamics of the organization and plan for growth.
We would love for all Core Members, Members, and Affiliates to be as active as they are able to. However, we absolutely understand that real life comes before gaming, and that we’re all here to have fun. For this reason, we will not have any “mandatory” events or expect a specific amount of activity. However, to grow a successful organization, we need to understand the activity level of members and their needs. The following guidelines are in place to ensure that the organization leadership has the information it needs.
Participation Guidelines and Notes:
- We offer official organization play times each week for members to strive to attend, which will be when larger activities are planned. These times will be updated as required, but will generally be scheduled during the evenings for all North American time zones.
- Additional times may be scheduled depending on member’s desires and available time to play. More regularly scheduled official play times will be added as the organization’s membership increases.
- Our organization’s communication is based on a Discord server. Members should use this server to communicate with fellow members and keep up to date on organization plans, events, and news. We ask all Core Members, Members, and Recruits check our Discord server at least a couple times a week (most people probably check Facebook, Twitter, and other media more often then that).
Icarus Interstellar Incorporated values quality over quantity. We try to make it easy for those players that might be interested in our organization to find out more about us. We will never resort to spamming invitations. We want to make sure that each potential new member is a good fit for us, as well as to allow each potential new member to ask questions and make sure we are a good fit for them. We want each incoming member to be satisfied.
Age / Maturity Requirement:
We have a minimum age of 18 and a preferred age of 21 and over. A rare exception might be made for minimum age, but only for a special situation.
Maturity is a consideration for Icarus Interstellar Incorporated. We strive for a mature membership that can encompass our principles and follow our bylaws. As an example, an 18 year old that works well with others and has a love for exploration would be a better fit for us than a 30 year old that just wants to “pew-pew some noobs” and trash talk.
Membership Requirements to Join:
New members should be able to:
◦ Agree with our principles and be able to follow our bylaws (just like any other group)
◦ Meet the age requirement listed above (easier to keep a maturity level standard)
◦ Be available for at least some of our planned events (isn’t that why we are here?)
◦ Have an appropriate standard of written and spoken English (just makes it easier)
◦ Avoid excessive “social text abbreviations” (it’s polite and easier to read)
◦ Be friendly, courteous, and respectful of others (this is just a given for our atmosphere)
◦ Not be prone to using obscene language in a continuous manner (no F%#& this and F%#& that)
◦ Not be prone to rage or anger (we want a friendly and welcoming atmosphere)
◦ Be dependable (if you say you will do something or attend an event, be able to follow through)
We encourage all members to be respectful of their fellow members when signing up for one-time or ongoing events. Members should evaluate their real life schedule and obligations before making any commitments.
Our current event scheduler used for planning org nights and events has a RSVP function. All members are encouraged to use this feature. Selections are:
- Accepted – You are definitely going to attend the org night or event and be on time.
- Tentative – You are not sure you can attend the org night or event or you will be late.
- Declined – You are unable to attend the org night or event.
If selecting Accepted for an org night or event, members should avoid not showing up or being late, unless it is a real life urgent matter, which everyone understands. If the event has a specific length of time, members should avoid leaving early. A Tentative selection for the RSVP indicates you are unsure of attending or may be late.
Exceptions are “free-fly” events which are casual “join when you can and leave when you want” events.
Members that can only attend part of a scheduled event should communicate that ahead of time so arrangements can be made. Being able to depend on fellow members is very important and should not be taken lightly. Planned events or missions may rely on a certain number of players or specific players to be logged in on time and not leaving early.
Multi-organization Policy:
Icarus Interstellar Incorporated is NOT an exclusive organization. Members are allowed to affiliate with other organizations as they desire, as well as list Icarus Interstellar Incorporated as their affiliate organization.
However, it is highly encouraged that the other organizations that a member belongs to be researched thoroughly in order to avoid violation of our organization principles and bylaws. Members will be held accountable for the actions other organizations they belong to. Any member that is determined to belong to another organization that is going against the principles of this organization will be subject to removal from this organization.
General Process to join (for 2024 and beyond):
- Click on I’M READY TO JOIN on the Home Page.