Welcome! We’re glad you’re here!

We know it can be a big step to join an organization. We’ve all gone through it. All that searching and comparing and considering options. It’s a difficult task. Sometimes enough to make you crazy. And for some, it can be downright scary. Don’t fear, though! We’re a very friendly organization and it’s easy to join.

Finding that perfect organization to call home is worth it. And we are certainly glad you are interested in our organization. The following is the process that should make it easy to start your adventure with us.

With the overwhelming popularity of Discord, our organization has decided to base our communication on our Discord server (starting 2024) that has been upgraded to community status. That gives us the addition of a traditional forum format for detailed planning and discussions, but with normal chat channels for quick messages. We have a robust Discord server with a variety of chat, forum, and voice channels (member access only).

For a community ranked server such as ours, Discord requires an Onboarding process. We have adapted that process as best we can for our organization. Please follow the steps below to join our Discord server to ask questions, chat with us, or to request membership..

Directions to Join:

  1. Click on the big red button or the link at the bottom of this page to be directed to our Discord server.
  2. When prompted with the question “I am interested in joining or finding out more about Icarus Interstellar Incorporated“, make sure the “Yes, continue.” answer is checked, and then click on the “Finish” button”
  3. Once you answer that question and click on the finish button, you will be directed to the server Onboarding page that has a welcome message and several steps to complete.
  4. Click on: Read “Read First” and read the page.
  5. Click on: Read “About Us” and read the page. If you have already reviewed this website, than you have already completed what you need to do.
  6. Last and most important step! Post a message in the “questions-and-chat” channel. At this point, you may post a question for us to answer about the organization. If you don’t have any specific question and just want to join, just indicate you are ready to join. A Leader or Officer will then reach out to you to discuss your membership further and to assign a role.

And welcome!!

Link to Join Our Discord:
