Icarus Interstellar Incorporated’s primary playstyle is regular play and experiencing all the game has to offer. We do have players interested in roleplay. Read on…


So, you’re a roleplayer?

Fantastic! Many of our members enjoy roleplay and immersing deep into Star Citizen lore. Our members that enjoy roleplay create separate dedicated playtimes for an ongoing RP story. These stories will be created, modified, or even completely changed to reflect the current interests of those enjoying roleplay and members can join at anytime. As time passes, members may try out different characters, roles, and responsibilities. One time you might be a ship’s cook, but another time you might become a well-known captain of a capital ship. Options are plenty.


So, you’re not a roleplayer, but you’re interested?

Well, it’s not to difficult to get started. Star Citizen, by its nature, is a very immersive game that caters to roleplayers of all levels and interests. In fact, if you think about it, most players are sort of roleplaying without even knowing it. You can chat with the the leaders or any of our roleplayers and ask for help getting started. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Definity not interested in roleplaying?

No problem at all! Icarus Interstellar Incorporated’s primary playstyle is regular play and experiencing all the game has to offer. We have members that do not roleplay or may even do both (and love the variety), and many that enjoy roleplaying do not do it all the time. So, if you don’t roleplay, we have you covered. Regular players can find plenty of opportunities to work as a team to run missions, make a profit, explore game content, and have a ton of fun. Keep your finger on the trigger!